Installation of Raspbian operating system.

Many sites describe the basic installation.

The Raspberry Pi Imager ( makes it really easy.
I added this page just for completeness

There are three ways to make a start:

  1. Raspbian (Recommended which includes the Desktop)
  2. Raspbian Other:
    • Raspbian Lite
    • Raspbian Full

Raspbian Lite is sufficient, but I thought it would be harder to get started than the version with Desktop. I therefore opted for Recommended Raspbian version.

After the Imager completed writing Raspbian to the SD-card. It is time to fire up the Raspberry Pi.

Connect the keyboard, mouse, monitor and ethernet cable to the Raspberry Pi. (Access from your PC to the Raspberry Pi will come later) Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and start the Raspberry Pi.

After a few minutes, the desktop of the Raspberry Pi appears.

You now have to go through the initial setup:

• Country, language and keyboard setting
• Adjust the password for the user pi

Choose a simple password, because access with a password will be disabled during the course of the process

• Set up Wi-Fi (I skipped this)
• Install update

After these steps, the Raspberry Pi is restarted.

After the restart, select: Preferences => Raspberry Pi Configuration program => interfaces and open the SSH interface. After this you can operate the Raspberry pi from your PC.

I also chose to reduce the video memory from 64mb to the minimum value of 16mb because I use the Raspberry pi only as a server.

Take care: If you want to switch off the Raspberry Pi, do so via the desktop or the command: ‘sudo halt‘.
Never turn off the Pi by breaking off the power supply !!
Only after a proper shutdown  you may switch the current off.

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